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2024. 05. 25.  
 분류: 도메인 자료실   제목: [매매]Esrow.com을 통한 도메인 판매 사례
본 내용은 도메인트랜드에서 인용하였습니다.

아래의 글은 에스크로닷컴을 통한 도메인 매매사례를 일지식으로 정리한 것으로, 글쓴이의 동의를 얻어 이곳에 전재하였습니다.
글의 전재를 기꺼이 허락해주신 장일룡님께 깊이 감사드립니다. - <도트 편집실 주>


번호 #41365 /41369 날짜 2001년4월26일(목요일) 1:29:22

제목 : picozone.com 판매사례 (US$3,000) ID up18 이름 장일룡

도메인 판매사례 입니다.

게시판과 Tip & Tech 노하우가 많은 참고가 되었습니다.
첫 판매사례이며 참고용으로 email 전체를 게재합니다.
저도 처음인데 구매자도 처음이여서 대금 받는데 까지 시간이 많이 소요되었음.

너무 길어졌네요.필요없는 내용 많으니 필요하신 부분만 참고 하세요

- 판매개요
도메인명 : Picozone.com
등 록 일 : 2000.4.23(Pico 관련 도메인 3개 등록- 낙장 아님)
판 매 가 : US$3,000 (첫 offer 메일 $500)
BUYER : Picopop,Inc(미국)

2001.2/28 첫 offer 메일 $500
3/ 7 $3,000 합의(자금문제로 2주일 기다려 달라)
3/22 자금준비되어 이전 시작
3/23 escrow.com 가입
4/ 3 buyer escrow에 대금입금
4/15 소유권 이전 완료확인
4/16 buyer confirm
4/17 escrow 대금 송금(check)
4/25 check 우편 도착


1. 첫 offer 메일($500 구입 제의해 옴)

Dear Mr Jang:
I am interested in purchasing the Picozone.com domain name from you.
Will you sell it to me?
I am prepared to pay you $500. Please let me know if this is acceptable.
Andy Nickerson

2. 2일후 가격이 기대에 너무 못 미친다는 내용의 답변보냄

Thank you for your email.
I appreciate your interest in my domain name,Picozone.com.
Unfortunately,the price you suggest seems to short of my expectation.

Best Regards

3. 얼마를 받고 싶냐고 답장 옴

What price is your expectation?

Andrew M. Nickerson
619 227 3282

picopop.com,picozone.net whois 조회결과 picopop.com은 운영중이고
picopop.com 과 동일인이 picozone.net 2001.1월 등록 확인함
전화 등 신분을 밝히고 있어 구입의사 확실 판단

4. $5,000 제시함

5. $5,000 제시에 5일째 연락이 없어 6일째 다음과 같은 메일 보냄
(캐나다에 있는 회사로부터 $2,500 offer를 받았는데 $3,000 주면 양도하겠다는
내용, 팔 것인가 안 팔것인가를 결정해야 하기 때문에 Mar 6 17:00 EST 까지
여부를 알려달라고 구체적인 기한을 주어 다른 곳과 협의중이라는 것을 시사
하여 빨리 협의에 이름)

I didn't received your counter-offer to my suggestion about Picozone.com.
On Mar 4,2001, I got an offer to Picozone.com from a company in Canada.
He has offered US$2,500 for Picozone.com.
So, I will make a decision about transfer of Picozone.com

I visited your company's sites,GLOBALGEOdata.com and Picopop.com.
All things considered,if you needs Picozone.com really bad,
I'll consider selling it at a reasonable price,US$3,000.

If you are willing to pay $3,000,I will transfer it to you.
Notify your idea to me, until Mar 6 17:00 EST. If you don't offer me,
the new owner of Picozone.com will be someone in Canada.
I am looking forward to hear from you.

Good luck to your business
Il Lyong Jang

6. 2일후 제시가격에 구입하고 싶은데 자금문제로 2주동안 구입을 승인할 수 없다는 메일이 옴

We would like to take you up on your offer,however,we I can not get the
purchase approved for 2 weeks due to cash flow issue.

7. 현명한 결정이고 2주동안 기다리겠으며 구체적인 이전방법은 차후에 협의하자는 답변 보냄

Thank you for your decision.
I think it is very great and wise.
I'll wait for 2 weeks.
Discuss with you detailed transaction method and process after this.

8. 정확히 2주후 자금이 준비되었으니 이전방법을 알려달라는 메일 옴

We are ready to proceed please,advise on the process and transaction method.

9. Escrow.com을 이용하자고 구체적인 방법을 보냄(escrow fee를 buyer에게 부담시킴)

Thank you for your email.
Concerning Picozone.com transaction method,I would like to suggest
that we deal with the domain through escrow.com for mutual safety.
I hope that you agree to it.
For your information,please note that the transaction procedure through
escrow.com is as follows:

1.You and I register in escrow.com.
2.You transmit US$3,048 to escrow.com.(purchase fee $3,000 + escrow fee $48)
3.After I receive confirmation on your payment from escrow.com,
I transfer my ownership of Picozone.com to you.
4.After you confirm the transfer of ownership into you and escrow.com of
the fact,escrow.com send me US$2,958.(minus wire fee $42)

It needs about 20~30 days to complete transaction.
you can access more detail information on the transaction procedure in
* escrow fee: wire transfer $48.00(speedy and low fee)
credit card $115.50(speedy and high fee)
check/money order $33.00(low fee but long terms)


10. Let's do it.(그렇게 하자고 메일 옴)

11. escrow.com에 등록하고 escrow fee는 wire transfer로 해달라고 함

I register in escrow.com.
An email from escrow.com has been sent to you.
* escrow fee(by payment method) : select Wire Transfer($48)

12. Great, I will do it.(그렇게 하겠다고 메일 옴)

13. 이전 조건에 동의하지 않아 다시 메일 보냄

I received your email that you registered.
But escrow.com is yet waiting for your agreement.
After registration to escrow.com you must agree to the terms of transaction.

14. 방금 동의했고 다음 단계는 돈 입금 하느것이 맞느냐고 메일 옴.

Just agreed,so the next step is to wire the funds,correct?

15. 그렇다고 메일 보냄

Yes,It is correct.
The next step is to wire the funds.
(submitting payment to IES)

16. escrow.com에서 buyer의 payment를 기다리라고 메일 옴


- You and the buyer have agreed to the terms of this transaction.
- The buyer is in the process of submitting payment to IES.
- Please wait until IES secures the payment in their trust account.
There is nothing further to do at this time.

A copy of the Escrow Instructions is attached to this email for your reference.
View your transaction at:


16. 누가 이전을 보증하냐고 문의 옴

Quick question, who takes care of ensuring that the domain name is
trasferrered to Picopop
in the "whois" database?

17. 에크로의 이전 절차를 다시 설명해주고 서로에게 안전한 방법이라고 메일 보냄

Escrow.com takes care of enduring that the domain name is
transferred to Picopop.com in the "whois" database.

The buyer submits payment to Escrow.com's escrow subsidiary,
Internet Escrow Services(IES).
Escrow.com notifies the Seller that the buyer' payment is
securely held in escrow.
The Seller then delivers the merchandise to the buyer.
(Picozone.com is transferred to Picopop.com in the "whois"
If the buyer accepts it,IES releases payment to the seller.
So, Escrow.com is mutully safe to buyer and seller.

18. 등록자를 register.com으로 이전하고 싶은데 어떻게 하며 이것만 결정되면 돈 입금하겠다
고 함.(현재 입금 3일 지연됨)

Looks like escrow.com does not know the answer to this.
I have a call into escrow.com but I will ask you to. I want register.com to be
the registrar of picozone.com. How do I make this happen? Once this is
determined I will do the wire transfer.

19. register.com에서 이전 절차는 복잡하고 비싸므로 현 등록기관인 Tucows에서
소유권 이전하고 register.com으로 등록기관 이전은 쉽다고 메일보냄
(register.com은 $25,000 까지 $250 이고 $25,000 이상은 거래가격의 1% 임)

It is very easy and simple.
You can use the transfer service of Register.com.
(automatically transfer in online)
After the ownership is transferred,you transfer the registar in register.com.

Picozone.com's current registar is tucows.com.
After I receive confirmation on your payment from escrow.com.
I transfer my ownership of Picozone.com to you in tocows.com,current register.
After you confirm the transfer of ownership into you,escrow.com send me
I give ID & Password concerned with picozone.com.

Register.com's escrow fee is expensive and complex.
(escrow fee $250 in register.com)
If you know lower fee and simple method,I will do so.

20. 자세한 설명에 고맙다고 월요일 입금하겠다 함

Thanks for the detailed response. I will do the escrow.com method,
then transfer from tucows to register.com. I will do the transfer on Monday.

Have a nice weekend.

21. 입금 확인되면 가장 빠른 방법으로 이전해주겠다고 메일 보냄

Thanks for your answer.
After I receive confirmation on your payment from escrow.com,
I will transfer the ownership of Picozone.com to you through
the speedest ways.
It needs about 7 business-days.

22. 입금했다는 메일 옴

I just faxed the wire transfer info to my bank, using the Escrow.com

23. escrow.com으로부터 입금되었으니 소유권 이전하라는 메일 옴


- IES has secured the buyer's payment.
- You may now transfer the domain name to the buyer.
- After you have transferred the domain name, sign in to Escrow.com and
provide the WHOIS information.

Sign in at:

24. 이전에 필요한 인적사항 요청함.

I received from escrow.com e-mail that escrow.com received
your payment and approves payment.
So,I will now transfer the domain name to you.

Please give me your information of transference.

Registant: (Andrew M. Nickerson or Picopop.com)
Address :
zip code :
Tel :
Fax :
e-mail :
Name Servers :
IP address :

Registant = Manage Contact = Billing Contact = Technical Contact
(all same or not ?)

25. 인적사항 받음.

Here is the rquested information

Registant: Picopop, Inc
Address: 5330 Carroll Canyon Road, Suite 200, San Diego, CA
zip code: 92121
Tel: 858 642 7472
Fax: 858 642 0189
e-mail: rk@picopop.com
Name Servers: and

IP address:

Registant = Manage Contact = Billing Contact
= Technical Contact: All are Richard Kurzeja

26. 고우프리에 이전신청서 작성 등기속달 우편발송하고 메일 보냄
필요서류 : 고우프리 이전 신청서(메일로 받음)
인감증명 1통,주민등록 복사본 1매, ID, PW 적어 보냄

Dear Andy

I initiated the process of ownership transfer for Picozone.com.

First,I changed Technical Contact,Billing Contact(Richard Kurzeja)
But Name Servers,IP Address are strange.
So,I changed the name Servers to RESISTER.COM.
(It is same,Picopop.com's name servers)
Name servers are changeable.
You can now see Picozone.com's "whois".

Also,today I send the documents of ownership transfer
to the current registrar,special-delivery mail.

Transfer needs about 5 ~ 7 business days.
If I see the change of "whois",I will email to you.
After you see the "whois",you confirm the transfer of ownership
to Escrow.com.

Have a good weekend.

Il Lyong Jang
from Korea.

27. Great, thanks.(고맙다는 메일 옴)

28. 5일후 whois 변경 확인하고 confirm 해달라고 메일 보냄

Transfer of ownership is completed.
You can now see the "whois" database of Picozone.com.
If it is correct,you confirm the transfer of ownership to Escrow.com.
After you confirm the transfer of ownership,Escrow.com send me the payments.

29. netsol에서 whois 검색이 안된다고 메일 옴

This is great news, but I can not look up the record at register.com or
It says the record is not accessible.

30. speedname,doregi,netpia whois 캡쳐하여 첨부메일 보냄

You can see now the "whois" in speedname.com or doregi.com or netpia.com.
(doregi.com and netpia.com are Korean language domain sites.)
As the transfer of ownership is completed,you should confirm to escrow.com

Here are the records of picozone.com.
picozone1 : speedname.com
picozone2 : doregi.com
picozone3 : netpia.com

31. escrow.com에 confirm 하였고 smooth한 이전에 감사한다는 메일 옴

I just accepted on Escrow.com. Thanks for a smooth transactiion and
best of luck.

32. 도메인 만료 기간이 4/23이여서 기간을 연장해야 하는데 tucows에서는
잘 모른다고 pw 문의 메일 옴

What is the password for Picozone.com on tucows?
I see that it expires next week so I need to extend it for another year.

Tucows tells me I need to deal with Gofree in Korea to renew the account as
you or someone else. originally secured the domain for them.

33. ID,PW 알려주며 register로 이전하라는 것이 가장 안전하다고 메일 보냄

Thank you for your prompt confirmation.
ID : ******
PW : ******
Current password was not operate on tucows.com.
Perhaps, you will join in new accounts.

It expires on Apr 23,2001.
I think that you transfer the registrar to resgister.com right now.

If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me.

34. 기간년장 비용이 얼마며 크레디트 카드 가능하냐고 문의 옴

We recently purchased the Picozone.com domain from Il Lyong Jang
(love518@unitel.co.kr) and I have been
informed by Tucows that you are the registrant of the domain.
The picozone.com domain expires on 4-23-01.

We need to pay for an additional year of picozone.com
domain name registration. Can this be done via credit card and
what is the cost? What do we need to do to make this happen.

Thank you for your time on this matter.


35. $15이며,카드는 안되므로 register.com으로 등록기관 이전하고,
어려움이 있다면 기꺼이 대신 내주겠다고 메일 보냄

It costs about $15 to extend an additional year,
but you can't use the via credit card.
I advise you to transfer the register,register.com.
It is more easy and safe method.

If it is difficult,I will willingly pay $15 on behalf of you.
Don't worry about Expire day .
Delay term have about 1 month

36. 시간은 없고 이전이 복잡하므로 대신 내주면 다음에 San Diego에 오면 저녁식사를
사주겠데요. 이전비도 내도록 했는데 13,000원 쯤이야 기꺼이 써야죠.

Please do pay the $15 for us.I will buy you dinner next time you are in San
I appreciate it. The transfer process to register.com is complicated.
It would really help us if you could do this today, as the registration
does expire on Monday April 23rd.

Please confirm that you can do this.

Again, thank you.
Best regards,

37. 입금했고 확인메일 가면 confirm 해주라고 메일 보냄

Dear Andy

I right now completed the payments by phone-banking,
and telephoned the registrar(gofree).

If they will email to administative contact(rk@picopop.com),
you confirm to the email.
And they will transfer the registrar(Tucows --- Registrars).

God bless to you.

Il Lyong Jang
from Korea

38. 4/25일 수표 $3,000 우편으로 받음(4/17 escrow.com 에서 지불했는데 1주일 걸림)
Wire 로 받기 위해서는 buyer가 물품인수 confirm 하기 전에 요청을 해야 한다고
그러네요. wire 정보를 요구하는 메일이 안와서 wire information 적어서 메일
보냈더니wiire fee는 $40 이고 이미 수표발송했으므로 stop fee $10을 내야 한다고
해서 check로 한다고 했지요.

39. escrow.com 처리일정 입니다.

4/17/01 13:49 PST Funds disbursed. Final closing statements sent to both
4/16/01 21:48 PST Buyer accepts merchandise, transaction complete.
4/7/01 05:10 PST Seller submitted transfer for picozone.com
4/3/01 13:35 PST Escrow.com approves payment.
4/3/01 13:35 PST Payment received, seller will be prompted to ship after
payment is secured.
3/30/01 15:05 PST Buyer selected option to pay by wire transfer, Escrow.com
waiting for payment to arrive.
3/27/01 07:11 PST Both parties have accepted the offer, awaiting buyer payment.
3/23/01 22:02 PST Seller initiates the transaction

Item Description Qty Unit Price Total Price
1 picozone.com 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00
Subtotal $3,000.00
Escrow Fee and Transaction Mgmt Fee $0.00
Total $3,000.00

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